
【南山小学】信息技术应用工程2.0教学设计 英语 张淑贤

发布日期:2020/11/16 13:39:20 来源: 作者:匿名

Lets talk.A教学设计

                                  鸡西市南山小学  张淑贤


教学内容:Lets talk.A


                       2)学会核心句型There is…的正确表达。



                       3)能够在正确的语义和语用环境下,运用There is a …句型描述某地有(存在)某物。







I Warm-up:       

Show a picture of a room and talk about it freely with the students to elicit the new lesson.

II Presentation:

1、Watch a video of a dialogue among Sarah,Mike and zhang peng for a few times


2Follow the dialogue for several times.

3  Pick out the new expression really nice and explain it.

4Present the new sentence patterns.

   There is a …in the room.

   There is a…and a…in the room.

   There is a…,a…and a…in the room.

5Drill the above sentence patterns by looking around the classroom and making up some sentences with There is a …


   There, there, there is a bed in the room.

   There, there, there is a photo in the room.

   There, there, there is a computer in the room.

7Pick out the new expression look cool and explain it.

8Read the dialogue again.

9Read it in groups of three and find the best group.

III Exercises.

1Please answer the following questions according to the dialogue.

1) How is Zhang Peng’s room?

2) What’s in the room?

3) Do you like the room?

4) Where is the computer?

2Please try to retell the dialogue with the help of the words.



3Please put the sentences in the right order.

1) Wow, you look cool!

2) Yes. I like my bed.

3) Your room is really nice.

4) There is a nice photo, too.

5) Thanks.

6) Thank you. Hey, my computer is here on the desk. Let’s play!

7) There is a big bed.

The answer is: 3—5—7—2—4—1—6

4Suppose you are Zhang Peng. Please describe your room in your own words.

The possible answer is:

I am Zhang Peng. This is my room. It’s really nice. There is a big bed in it. I like my bed. There is a photo of me. I look cool. My computer is on the desk. I will play.

5Observe the picture on page 48 and describe it .

6Choose the right answer.B1技术支持的测验与练习微能力)

1) –What is in the picture?

  -- ______ a plate in the picture.

 A There is  B there is  C there are

2) There_____ a big bed.

 A  do     B  is     C   are

3) Your room is _____ nice.

 A  really  B  real    C   much

4) Sarah and Mike are in ______ room.

 A  Zhang  Peng  B Zhang  Peng’s  C Zhang  Pengs’

7Complete the sentences.B6技术支持的展示交流微能力)

1) really, your, nice, is, room (.)


2) a, there, bed, big, is (.)


3) is, my, on, computer, the, desk (.)


IV Moral education

Show two pictures and compare them. Tell the students to develop a good habit of keeping our room clean and tidy.

V Summary                 

1) Sum-up the main contents in this class period.

2) Evaluate students’ behaviour today.

VI Homework  Describe your own room using There is a…




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